Popeye Sail Club x Pick a Pier to launch the most advanced, rewarding, and sustainable boating club in the world.

As it turns out, everyone is wants to be a sailor! We can’t be surprised when we have the likes of Popeye as an influence. There has been a massive surge in recreational boating and with it, an increased demand for boating space. In return, marinas are struggling to keep up and boaters are frustrated. To bridge this gap, Popeye partnered with Pick a Pier (say that 10x fast) to create Popeye® Sail Club. The Sail Club will leverage a wide network of marinas and use cutting-edge technology to unlock a more convenient and sustainable boating experience. The process will make pier reservations it as easy as booking a hotel room! I can hear the sailor’s sighs of relief already.
Another big win for the program is that it also introduces new levels of sustainability to the boating industry. In partnership with Blue Flag, one of the most recognized sustainability award programs, Popeye® Sail Club boaters must commit to eco-friendly practices at sea and on shore. The Sustainable Boating Pledge, which every member is required to sign, asks boaters to follow simple yet effective rules to reduce their environmental footprint.
Check out Popeye® Sail Club.com for more information!