Weight Watchers has cast its’ spotlight on Spinach as the Pick of the Season for the 2nd Quarter in a series of low-calorie recipes highlighting the nutritional benefits of this leafy green vegetable.

Popularized 75 years ago by Popeye®, the mighty cartoon sailor and favorite of many, spinach was responsible for giving the squinty-eyed seaman the ability to perform feats of super-human strength by simply eating this green leafy vegetable. Thankfully, for three generations parents have relied on this sailor’s penchant for spinach to encourage children to fuel up on the very nutritious, vitamin-rich vegetable.

And although eating spinach won’t guarantee oversized-biceps, it is undoubtedly a nutrient powerhouse. In fact, very few foods can compare to spinach when it comes to its nutrient value. The leafy-green vegetable is an excellent source of vitamin K (an important nutrient for maintaining bone density) and potassium (which helps regulate blood pressure and is linked to the reduced risk of high blood pressure and stroke). Spinach also contains at least 13 different flavonoid compounds, which function as antioxidants (anti-cancer agents), and vitamins A, B1, B6, C and E, riboflavin, manganese, folate, iron, copper, molybdenum, tryptophan, and calcium – just to name a few.

“Fresh fruits and vegetables are the cornerstone of responsible, healthy eating,” said Maria Walls, Senior Nutritionist at Weight Watchers International, Inc. “Spinach in particular is a low-calorie, versatile vegetable that’s bursting with flavor and nutrition.” With its distinct flavor and succulent leaves, spinach is available year-round and can be used in a variety of dishes to add color, texture, and a nutritional boost to any meal.

Some of the Weight Watchers recipes that feature spinach include: Spanakopita Triangles, a great light appetizer; Spinach-Mushroom-Bacon Salad with Warm Onion Dressing for a filling bistro-style salad; or for a complete meal low in POINTS® values, but high in taste try the Spinach, Caramelized Onion and Tomato Quiche.

These recipes reflect the food values inherent to the Weight Watchers philosophy that eating should be satisfying as well as healthful. In fact, learning and sharing innovative ideas about healthy cooking and eating are part of the experience at weekly Weight Watchers meetings, where members help and support each other.


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